
Frequently asked pricing questions

What does "pilot" mean?
This is just a fancy word for a test 🙂 You can choose how many users you want to include and just onboard them on RoMo. This will enable you to get a good feel for the service, and also you can get feedback from these testers. It's also a very good way to get your key stakeholders engaged in the testing phase, so you can decide together after 30 days (or sooner) if you want to rollout RoMo to all employees.
How come you don't need my credit card?
We don't need it in the free trial period. We want you to feel comfortable and safe testing our service. Once you start loving RoMo and want to make a commitment, we will ask for your credit card details so we can start charging you monthly. Our pricing and charging is transparent, you will always be notified when adding a new user that this will increase your monthly bill.
What are "active users"
An active user is determined by your company's RoMo admin. Admins can activate and deactivate users, and RoMo will anyway pick up information from Slack if someone is not there anymore and deactivate them automatically.
I represent a non-profit, what do I do to get a discount?
Just send an email to and we will respond promptly, ask a few questions and agree on the special terms. This is our way to support your cause.