Role Modeling Inclusion in a team call

Picture this. You have just scored a major win for your company. You sit at your desk proud of your latest achievement. You know you deserve a pat on the back, and a nice hefty bonus wouldn’t hurt. More than anything you want everyone around you to know who got the job done before the […]
Forget white picket fences and new family caravans, hybrid work is the new dream. For most team members having the flexibility to work remotely, but also allowing for in-person bonding and brainstorming once or twice a week is the ideal arrangement. For managers however having a team that is sometimes here, and sometimes in Peru, […]
In today’s fast-paced work world, keeping your team happy and productive is a big deal. That’s where leadership skills and employee recognition programs come in. This train of thought below is all about how patting people on the back can boost their mood, make them more energized in hard times, and how you can easily […]